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Mountain Lake


I guide you to your ACTUAL problems - together we TRANSFORM your life

That's my expertise.


Do You Know Your Truth Of

Where You Are?

Where you "think" you are and where you actually are, that is the question. Do you know where you are? And the problems you "think" you have, are they your actual problems? What would be possible if you knew?

Your truth is the key to the feelings, experiences and desires you daydream about. I don't want you to miss out on that so as your coach, I guide you to your truth of where you actually are and your actual problems.

Image by NEOM

Do You Know What You Want?

Do you know what you want or

do you "think" you know

what you want? Are you specific enough in what you want?

What is the driving force behind what you want and what are you doing specifically to get there?


I would hate for your to miss out on the power you actually have to create your life so your coach, I guide you to your truth about what you want and where you want to go.

Image by Catherine Breslin

What Is The Missing piece?

How did you end up here? Where is the core of your decision making rooted , do you know? And how do they affect you, those around you, your goals and your desires? What would your life be like if you knew?

What would be possible if you knew that needs to change and why?


Don't miss out on the the opportunity to fill your gaps. As your coach, I guide you to see your truth in your gaps.

What we believe is our problem is rarely our ACTUAL problem


  • I don't have enough time, that's my problem.

  • He/she is the problem.

  • My employees argue all the time, that's my problem.

  • I am the last person to hear that there are problems, that's. my problem.

  • I don't know what decision to make, that's my problem.

  • I hate conflicts, that's my problem. 

The list goes on and no and it feels so true doesn't it? and it makes sense that it feels true because what we believe is what we feel, and that ultimately guides our actions in our life. But here is the question.. is it true? 


Is it true that being stuck is my problem? Or is that the surface problem because I haven't been honest with myself? Well there is only one way to find out -- get to the truth and this is where I come in.  

As your coach, my mission is not simply to guide you 


it's to illuminate the depths of your own truth and understanding of your authentic self, enabling you to see why it is a MUST to tap into your personal responsibility to unlock your power and wisdom.

As your coach I guide you to see to see yourself clearly because the answers are NOT out there, they are where they have always been, inside you. Together, we'll cut through the noise of everyday life, hone in on what really matters to you, and tap into your true desires in life.


Simple, focused, and entirely centered on you, this journey is about discovering your own solutions and charting a course for success that feels true to who you are.

And don't to take my word for it. Book your completely FREE first session with me below and step on the path to breaking free from the chains of old beliefs and start writing your new story. I will be right there, ready to guide you to your ACTUAL problems so that you can create the life you ACTUALLY want. 

What People Say


"Investing in coaching and workshops with Emma was transformative for both myself and my company. Initially skeptical about its value, I was open to trying something new after exhausting other options. The results could not have been more impactful. It not only resolved our internal conflicts, contributing to a more harmonious workplace, but it also improved my personal well-being—restoring my night's sleep and the joy of working. 

Emma's guidance has been invaluable; her coaching methods are top-tier, engaging, and deeply introspective. Her ability to unlock our potential and foster self-awareness has left a lasting impact. I am committed to continuing my journey with her and can earnestly recommend her to others. Personal growth is beneficial for all, and I am eternally grateful to have found this path."

Jorun, Norway (CEO Cutshim)

Working Together

Let's embark on an unforgettable journey together

Choosing to start this journey is more than a decision - it's a commitment to breaking the chains of your limitations and unleashing your boundless potential. This is about YOU, and together, we'll make it a journey to remember. So, are you ready to step into your power? Book your discovery call today, and let's begin YOUR life-changing journey together.


Thank you!

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* This guidance, coaching, training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care.

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